School Curriculum
Our Curriculum provides for the learning of Key Competencies.
By using language, symbols and text, participating and contributing we become effective communicators. By managing ourselves we become self managers. By relating to others, participating and contributing we become positive interactors. By encouraging thinking we become enthusiastic thinkers.

Digital Technology
At Gilberthorpe School, we believe that technology can be used as a tool to support and enhance learning. We are part of the Hornby cluster of schools called Uru Mānuka. Years 4 to 6 students have one to one access with digital devices and junior school classes also benefit from having access to iPads and other devices. All of our Years 4-6 students share their learning through individual blogs.

Learning Support
We have a great team of teacher aides who run a variety of learning support programmes to ensure all students can reach their full learning potential.

Lift Off to Learning
Lift off to Learning is our school and community partnership programme that works with whānau to help understand the achievement of children within their first three years of school. This includes regular meetings and discussions with classroom teachers and sharing of information to support learning at school and home.

Kapa Haka
All of our tamariki have the opportunity to participate in our Kapa Haka group. Matua Anton works all of our tamariki in Term One. For the remainder of the year, our junior hub do their own Kapa Haka and Matua Anton works with our senior hub once a week.
Each term, we have a Celebration of Learning where we finish the day by performing for our school and whānau. For special performances, our tamariki from Te Ara Takitini, our senior students, perform on behalf of our kura.

Duffy Books
We are proud to be a Duffy School. The Duffy Books in Homes Programme allows children to choose from a great selection of books each term. Throughout the year we have a Duffy Hero assembly where a significant New Zealander visits the school and talks to students about their reading experiences. We have the Duffy Theatre once a year and they put on a show that brings books to life. This programme helps ignite a passion for reading for our tamariki.