Contact Us
Phone: 03 3497363
221 Buchanans Road
Christchurch 8042
Get In Touch
Starting school is a major event in a child’s life. We try to make this important event as pleasant and enriching as possible.
Please bring your child’s birth certificate and immunisation certificate.
Click here to use our Hero online enrolment form.

Our School Zone
Home Zone
All students who live within the home zone described below and shown on the attached map shall be entitled to enrol at the school.
Addresses on both sides of boundary roads are included unless otherwise stated below.
- From the intersection of Carmen Road / Masham Road (SH1) and Buchannans Road,
- North along the West side of Masham Road (SH1) to the Masham Road / Russley Road / Yaldhurst Road intersection.
- West along Yaldhurst Road to 481 Yaldhurst Road
- South on the access road servicing addresses 473-481 Yaldhurst Road, then South to Buchannans Road, including the entirety of the Delamain Subdivision
o Buchannans Road from Jarnac Blvd to Pound Road is also included
- From the intersection of Jarnac Blvd and Buchannans Road,
- East on Buchannans Road to the high voltage transmissions lines to the West of Gilberthorpe School.
- South along the transmissions lines to Roberts Road.
- East along the North side of Roberts Road to Brunner Street
o The north side of Roberts Road between the transmissions lines and Pound Road is also included
- East along Roberts road (both sides) to Gilberthorpes Road
- North on Gilberthorpes Road to Wycola Ave
- East on Wycola Ave to Manurere St
- North on Manuriri St to Aurora St
- East on Aurura St to Hei Hei Road
- North on Hei Hei Road to Buchanans Road
o Hei Hei Road from Aurura St to Tirangi St is also included
- East on Buchanans Road to Carmen Road / Masham Road (SH1)
Proof of residence within the home zone may be required.

For 2025, stationery will be purchased through Paper Plus Hornby or you can buy from another source.
The lists online are editable, which means if you have items unused from this year, you can take them out of the list.
Te Ara Whakatau’s list for children in Kura Pounamu, Māia, Auaha, Wawata and Whakaute.
Stationery orders are now done through Paper Plus Hornby. Please order the WHAKATAU list. You can do this online by using this link
Te Ara Takitini’s list for children in Ngākaunui, Manawaroa, Mangōpare and Whakamanawa.
Stationery orders are now done through Paper Plus Hornby. Please order the TAKITINI list. You can do this online by using this link
In 2024, our school uniform is being updated and upgraded. Check out the attached document that has the information you will need:

Classroom teachers will take the roll at 9am and again after lunch. If there is an unexplained absence, families will be contacted.
Regular attendance at school is vital if your child is to maintain a satisfactory standard of learning. It is also important that your child arrives at school on time. If your child is absent or late for any reason we appreciate a telephone call to notify us – phone 349 7363. or you can message through the school facebook messenger page.
In 2021, we became part of the Healthy Lunches in Schools Programme. Children are provided with lunch every day. The weekly menu is posted through Hero and our school Facebook page. Children still need to bring morning tea and may want to bring their own lunch depending on their preference for what is on the menu each day.
Children are not permitted to leave the school to go to shops during the lunch time. Parents should advise the school if they wish for their child to go home for lunch.
We have Fruit in Schools which is delivered on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Policies & Procedures
The school works on a subscription basis with SchoolDocs to maintain, update, and review our policies. This system provides us with a comprehensive core set of policies which have been well researched and follow the Ministry of Education National Administration Guidelines. The policies and procedures are tailored to our school, and the school supplies specific information such as our charter, and procedures for behaviour management, reporting to parents, etc.
Policies are monitored by SchoolDocs and updated, modified, or created in response to changes in legislation, significant events, Ministry guidelines, reviews/requests from schools, and regular reviewing from the SchoolDocs team. Our board of trustees has the opportunity to view changes and additions and comment on them before they are implemented.
We will advise you when policies are up for review and how you can take part in the review.
We invite you to visit the site at
Annual Report
Please find the link to our Annual Report: Annual Report