Our Learning
Where our students Learn, Create and Share.Ara Tū Whakatā Gilberthorpe School is separated into two learning hubs. Te Ara Whakatau Tahi is where our New Entrants start their learning journey. Our Year 1-3 students work in Te Ara Whakatau Rua. Te Ara Takitini is our middle and senior school with Years 3 – 6 ākonga.
Below you can view blogs for each learning area. Blogs are a platform used to share learning. You will also find links to hub Google Sites which is where students can access their learning resources and tasks.
Te Ara Whakatau
Our New Entrants to Year 3 work in a collaborative space we call Te Ara Whakatau. The teaching team consists of Samantha Corry and Lauren van Zyl in our new entrant space. Kathleen Ryan, Sarah McKeown, Hayley Geddis and Nicole Harris work in our second junior space.
Te Ara Whakatau Learning Site A place where our students can access our learning programme.
Our Junior Hub Blog is a place for us to share our learning.

Te Ara Takitini
Te Ara Takitini is our middle and senior school hub with ākonga from Years 3-6. Takitini teachers are Lee-Anne Waho, Shelby Shaw, Vickie Theobold and Lucy Southorn.
Te Ara Takitini Site 2025 where students access their learning.
Te Ara Takitini Blog 2025 where students share their learning.