The Staff
As a new teacher at Ara Tū Whakatā Gilberthorpe, I have loved how kind, compassionate, and supportive everyone is. As a mum I truly value whānau and as a kaiako, I am passionate about children's learning. I enjoy seeing the relationships being built here at Gilberthorpe and the academic progress being made because of this.
Ara Tū Whakatā Gilberthorpe is a kind and respectful environment, I feel privileged to begin my teaching journey here surrounded by a wonderful community and supportive staff. I am looking forward to further getting to know the students and families.
I am grateful for being part of the Gilberthorpe team. One of the reasons I truly enjoy working at Gilberthope is that the people have big hearts and always make you feel supported. It is a caring and inclusive environment. Our students and the whānau make our school unique and teach me valuable lessons.
It’s great being part of the Gilberthorpe School community. The kids make me smile each day.
The children at Gilberthorpe are what makes me love my days at school. We have such a supportive community.
Gilberthorpe School is a great place to work. Awesome kids and great staff make every day unique and enjoyable.
I am the Learning Support Coordinator for Gilberthorpe School. The role is a relatively new position and has been created to provide support to children and their families that have learning or social needs. I am an experienced teacher and have previously worked as a Special Educational Coordinator. I enjoy being part of the Gilberthorpe School team and am looking forward to meeting and working alongside families in our school community.
As an ex student of Gilberthorpe, it is good to be back at my old primary school and seeing how things have changed. The kids are great to be around and I am learning a lot from them and the awesome team I work with.
On our Board of Trustees, we have our principal, a staff representative and five parent representatives.
It is my immense pleasure to be a part of Board of Trustee at Gilberthorpe School. It is a great opportunity to contribute to this fantastic school community and staff members who play a critical role in enriching children’s learning process. As an academic at UC Business School, University of Canterbury, I am interested to contribute in this learning process.
I appreciate being on the Board of Trustees as I believe student achievement to be beneficial to the wider community. Having the opportunity to have an input to our school whānau’s future achievements academically and structurally is extremely valuable.